All Hooters restaurants, at least to my knowledge, have regulars. Some are nice, some quiet, some sleazy and some rude. For the most part, we love our regulars. Dumb and Dumber, however, are somewhere in between sleazy and nice and this makes it difficult to decide how I feel about them.
They started coming in not too long after I started and often are there 2 or even 3 times each day. They know all of the girls by name and we all know them. They bring us treats like ice cream, candy, chips and lots of other stuff and we're very appreciative of that. We always say hi and go chat with them when they come in, even if they aren't in our section.
When they're sober, they're really friendly and not at all creepy. They can be a little too chatty at times, though. It's impossible to walk past their table without them stopping you and asking you millions of questions about your day and making small talk like it's their job. If I don't have very many tables, I don't mind sitting with them for a while but when I'm in the weeds and I've got drinks and food to run, the last thing I want to do is talk for 10 minutes about what I ate for lunch that day. It can be frustrating to say the least.
When they drink it's even worse. Asking what I had for lunch turns into asking what I wore to bed the night before and what my favorite position (in bed) is. Obviously, I don't really like answering those questions and I usually just laugh them off and pretend I have something to do. Most of the girls avoid them altogether when they start drinking.
Unfortunately, this won't be possible for them in a couple weeks. Because GM F invited Dumb and Dumber to our STAFF Christmas party. Yup, they're coming to the place with an open bar, dance floor, and all the Hooters Girls all in one place at one time. I have no doubt in my mind that they will be taking full advantage of the first of those. Which makes me fear for the second and third.
The girls at work are all pretty unimpressed with GM F since he didn't run it by anyone before he invited them. Some of the girls don't even want to come to the party anymore because of it.
I think that he probably should have asked us if we were okay with them coming before he went ahead and asked them. What do you think?